Meet Audrey, the entrepreneur, and David, the inventor, with three babies under three. Our instant family consists of our adventurous Boston, and our tiny, but mighty duo Everlynn and James. We are so fortunate and grateful for our happy, healthy little tribe. With one of us having a rare gene deletion, everyday we are thankful for our time together. We remember that nothing is guaranteed and we must cherish every moment and embrace all life has to offer. 

In our family, we believe in saying yes to new opportunities when we have the chance. We taste the uniqueness of a new farmers market dish, travel and experience new cultures, build sand castles at the beach, and slow down to play with the ladybugs in the park. Often some of our simplest outings are when our fondest memories are made. This is when we truly connect with our babies as we help them learn and grow while experiencing the world together. Getting out and making memories is something we live by everyday and our stroller is at the crux of our ability to do this.

If you are like us, you have several strollers (too many, really!): the trendy one you got at your first baby shower, the jogging stroller for working off the extra pounds, a lightweight stroller to get you through the airport, and then the double stroller that you got at your second baby shower that carries two kids, but is heavy, difficult to maneuver anywhere and far too bulky. You have strollers stored in your home entryway, in your car, the garage, and the hallway. See, we are just like you!

After we found out we were going to have three children under two, we immediately thought, we need a different car and we need a triple stroller…do you know how big a triple stroller is?!?!! Forget it…it doesn’t fit in the car (not even a new car), or the doorway into the house, or the bathroom at the zoo, let alone hold two car seats, so we thought how  is this going to work? How can we continue to get out and make memories? I begged David to  spend some time in the garage and come up with a solution. After many hours of research and a Saturday in his mechanics shop measuring, welding, grinding brackets, testing weight distributions…VOILA, our new stroller was born. It wasn’t pretty, but it worked.

In September of 2018, the twins were born and the stroller was put into action. I was a happy mama going to the park, shopping, going out to dinner, walking around the Safari Park by myself with the babies, and even flying across the country on an airplane. What we did not expect, was for so many people to say, “That’s the coolest stroller I have ever seen,” and “Can you make me one?” What we found is other parents, like you, don’t just want this stroller, but need this stroller just like we did. So, we set out on a journey to  create the best stroller ever. The ultimate stroller. We promise you KRUXX is the one compact modular stroller that seats multiples, conveniently adapts to your life and is made to make memories.

Our stroller showcases our family getting out and living life together. We want your family to experience the world together too. Share your special memories with us by emailing us at or simply use #kruxxlife on social media

Connect with us and follow our journey to bring you the best in strollers and more on Facebook and Instagram at @kruxxlife.